Religious Education | Teagasc Críostaí
Our staff attaches great importance to Religious Education. It is not just confined to a timetabled programme within the school but is seen as an integral part of the life of our school.
The aims of Religious Education are :
- To foster the faith of the child by helping him/ her grow in belief, knowledge and love of God and appreciation of the religious and spiritual dimensions of life.
- To help him/ her to understand the truths of our Catholic faith and so grow in the characteristics of a follower of Christ.
These aims will be achieved through creating an atmosphere where each child can experience God through;
- The daily life of the school.
- The prayer life of the school, personal, class and whole school prayer.
- The Religious Education Programme.
The Religious Education programme used throughout the school is the “Grow in Love” Series. As parents, you are encouraged to show an interest in your child’s workbook, asking to see it and discussing with him/her what has been done in class. During the years in primary school your child will be helped in developing an appreciation of the Sacraments and the Mass. We will provide opportunities for prayer, whole school Masses, class Masses, celebrations of special feasts, Penitential Services, Individual Confessions (Lent/Advent). Each child will be prepared with great care for the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Meetings will be held for parents in the year that your child is receiving these Sacraments.
The teachers are assisted and supported in their work by our school Chaplain and the Diocesan Religious Advisers.
This programme goes beyond the requirements of the core Religious Education syllabus agreed by the main churches in Northern Ireland.