Online Art Webinar with Sinead McDermott
Published 05/04/23
P5 really enjoyed creating their Easter Basket Art by using lots art skills developed by Sinead 🐣🐥🐤
P5 really enjoyed creating their Easter Basket Art by using lots art skills developed by Sinead 🐣🐥🐤
The children in Primary 5 are thoroughly enjoying their new class novel, There's a Pharaoh in our Bath! They have produced some fantastic character descriptions and art work based on the book. Sennapod is becoming one of our favourite characters, watch this space for further Ancient Egyptian updates!
Primary 5 are really enjoying their class novel, Mr Skip. They worked hard to make posters including interesting adjectives using Pic Collage and they wrote super descriptions all about him .
Enjoy looking through all this fabulous work they have produced throughout the weeks .
Keep up the hard work Primary 5.