Mindful Moments
Practicing mindfulness in P1
Practicing mindfulness in P1
To celebrate Coding Day, P1 got to experiment with ICT in so many fun and interactive ways. They used Dash+Dot, Spheros and Indi Cars. Our digital leaders and P5 pupils demonstrated how to use the equipment and supported the P1s. We have lots of budding computer whizzes in P1.
The P1 pupils made wonderful Easter bonnets. We paraded our colourful and creative bonnets for the school to see 🐣
Welcoming the sunshine ☀️
Have a look at the lovely learning taking place in Primary 1 this Autumn. Our pupils have been embracing the opportunities for exploration, creativity and imagination. They have investigated Autumn through their senses and in a variety of practical experiences. They have studied apples, leaves, conkers and acorns in our tuft trays. They have created hedgehogs and Autumn crafts. P1 have been learning about number, shape and letters and they are making wonderful progress.
A very warm welcome to our new Primary 1 pupils. They are enjoying their first days in our school and making many wonderful first memories. We are so proud to share these momentous milestones with our new pupils and their families. We look forward to the year ahead and the adventures it will bring.