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Child Protection | Polasaí Chosaint an Pháiste

Our Lady and St Patrick Primary School is fully committed to the care and protection of the children in its care. The purpose of following procedures on Child Protection is to protect our pupils by ensuring that everyone who works in our school – teachers, non-teaching staff and volunteers – have a clear guidance on the action which is required where abuse or neglect of a child is suspected. The overriding concern of all caring adults must be the care, welfare and safety of the child, and the welfare of each child is our paramount consideration. The problem of child abuse will not be ignored by anyone who works in our school, and we recognise that some forms of child abuse are also a criminal offence.

Child abuse may take a number of forms including; neglect, physical injury, sexual abuse or emotional abuse. Staff are reminded regularly of the signs/symptoms of child abuse and all members of staff are encouraged to report to members of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Team any problems/concerns they may have about the welfare of a child.

The roles and responsibilities of the members of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Team are outlined below.

Member of Staff Roles and Responsibilities
Mr M Robinson Designated Teacher for Child Protection
Mrs K Madine Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection
Mrs S Prenter (Principal) Member of the Child Protection and Safeguarding Team
Mrs M. Woodward (Governor Representative) Member of the Child Protection and Safeguarding Team

We further believe that parents play a vital role in this, therefore if you have any further concerns or wish to access important information regarding your child's welfare then please contact the school directly or use the link provided: